Beef Progeny Test: Call for Sire Nominations 2022
Monday 27th June 2022

B+LNZ Genetics are excited to call for bull nominations for the 2022 mating of the B+LNZ Genetics Beef Progeny Test at Pāmu’s Kepler farm, TeAnau, and our new North Island site – Rimanui Farms’ Lochinver Station, Rangitaiki Plains.
Building on the current Beef Progeny Test, this Progeny Test will be fundamental to a multi-breed evaluation by providing both linkage between breeds and New Zealand collected data to be able to accuratelyestimate hybrid vigour.
Due to the addition of the North Island site, nominations will be open to Angus, Hereford and Simmental bulls.
Angus and Hereford cattle will be Artificially Inseminated in December 2022 (Kepler) and January 2023 (Lochinver). Angus and Hereford bulls will be used across both breeds of cows. Simmental bulls will be used across Angus cows at the Lochinver site.
Birth weights will not be collected, but first-calving heifers will be recorded for calving ease. Steer progeny will be finished, and carcase grading information collected.
Both pure-bred and first-cross heifer progeny will be retained (as commercially viable) and evaluated under natural service for at least their first two matings. Trait measurements collected will be similar to the previous Beef Progeny Test program.
Entry cost
There will be no entry cost for the duration of this Progeny Test.
Semen collection logistics and cost to be covered by the breeder.
To note
Bulls must come from herds implementing industry best practice recording programmes and using genetic evaluation/EBVs.
Each bull selected will be used across at least 50 beef cows. In most cases, semen will be used across multiple years, to contribute to robust links across years. A minimum of 40 straws will be used in the first year a bull is submitted.
Selection of bulls will be made by a selection panel comprised of B+LNZ Genetics staff, representatives from both Progeny Test sites and Massey University (Dr Nick Sneddon - providing cross-reference to the Dairy Beef Progeny Test).
The Progeny Test will not accept sires from farms under Mycoplasma bovis control. This includes Infected Properties, properties under Restricted Place Notice, Notice of Direction and Assessment.
How to submit a bull
All nominations will be managed online. Please submit your bull information using the link below. Nominations must be received by Monday 22 August.
Step 1: Click the link below to open the form
Step 2: Fill out bull nomination details
Step 3: Click Submit
Step 4: Check your inbox for a confirmation email.
