Nominations open for Sheep Progeny Test
Tuesday 1st November 2022

B+LNZ Genetics invites breeders to nominate rams for the 2023-mating of the Sheep Central Progeny Test (CPT). It is open to maternal and terminal sires and all mating will be via Artificial Insemination.
There are two Hub sites – the South Island site at AgResearch's Invermay farm in Dunedin and a North Island site at Glenside, Masterton. Successful rams are used at both sites so that the performance of their progeny can be evaluated across two environments.
Why submit a ram to the Central Progeny Test?
The purpose of the CPT is to connect flocks across breeds (which wouldn’t happen naturally in industry) and underpin New Zealand's large scale across-flock genetic evaluation, known as the NZGE.
The benchmarking carried out in the CPT ensures rams’ breeding values and therefore future performance, are as accurate as possible.
Including a ram from your flock “connects” you to the NZGE and validates the performance of your flock against other New Zealand flocks. This connection allows you to be benchmarked in nProve.
Selection criteria
To support the CPT’s purpose of maximising connectedness across the national flock, there will be several spots available to groups who want to connect themselves to the NZGE – with priority given to groups over individual flocks.
Each year we receive a large number of nominations. The Selection Panel will give preference to:
NZGE-recorded flocks
Flock groups who have used a sire widely
Rams submitted by groups to connect multiple flocks
Flocks recording core NZMW or NZTW traits
Flocks recording additional traits (e.g. WormFEC, Dags, BCS etc) which potentially provide more connections
Older rams widely used in a group; however young rams will be considered if a clear plan can be demonstrated to establish connections across the group
Where possible, unconnected, or new breeds will be considered
Upon successful admission into the CPT, a ram submission form needs to be completed.
There is no cost if your ram is accepted through this expression of interest (EOI) process. However, it is expected that successful flocks use the selected sire in their own/other flocks in the same year or nominate a sire that has been widely used.
Flocks and groups are welcome to submit a ram on a “pay for entry” basis. The cost is $5000 for a Terminal ram and $15,000 for a Maternal ram - the direct cost of testing rams.
Successful flocks must also meet the costs of animal health testing and semen collection.
How to submit rams
Step One: Click the link below to open the form
Step Two: Fill out ram nomination details
Step Three: Click Submit
Step Four: Check your inbox for a follow-up confirmation email.
Important dates
Nomination forms must be received by Wednesday 30 November 2022.
Nomination outcome will be communicated by Friday 16 December 2022.
For successful applications, individual ram information, including a signed Ram Supply Agreement will be required in early February 2023.
A list of successful flock/group allocations for 2023-mating will be published on the SIL website by 20 December, 2022.
Breeders wanting to improve their across-flock connectedness to NZGE are encouraged to contact successful groups to discuss using one of the rams being submitted.
If you have any questions, please contact us at,
or phone 0800 745 435.