Beef Progeny Test Field Days
Monday 29th February 2016

The first field day series is based on weaning and provides an opportunity to see which bulls performed across different traits and environments.
The B+LNZ Genetics Beef Progeny Test has now completed its second round of AI and has its first crop of calves at weaning age. With 2,200 cows inseminated in the recent mating, there is a wealth of information to come for farmers.
Each field day will focus on;
Identifying sire groups by weaning weight (200 Day Weight trait)
Body condition score demonstrations, data capture and comparison to weight of calf weaned
Potential for synchronisation and AI use on commercial farms
New traits and opportunities from the trial
Progeny test calves will be on display. Practical demonstrations included. No Quads
Lunch Supplied. (Silver Fern Farms EQ graded beef)
Thursday 31 March: Whangara Farms, Gisborne (includes FarmIQ component)
Friday 8 April: Caberfeidh, Hakataramea Valley
Friday 22 April: Tautane Station, Central Hawkes Bay
Friday 6 May: Rangitaiki Station, Taupo
Monday 9 May: Mendip Hills Station, North Canterbury