Friday 28th June 2024
This project aims to improve the quality of dairy beef calves in the industry by identifying and enabling widespread use of superior bulls for dairy beef. Bulls can be submitted for entry and dairy farmers and dairy beef finishers will be able to see which bulls perform the best across the range of trait data collected.
This year, the DBPT will transition to new sites and will no longer include a formal path to market component with LIC, focusing instead on proving bulls that enhance the dairy beef market at all stages. We will encourage the development of pathways for high-merit bulls to make an impact in industry (e.g. private agreements between bull submitters and semen distributors), but it will not be an absolute requirement to have arrangements in place prior to acceptance of a bull.
The ideal bulls will add value to all stages of the dairy beef market, offering easy calving and short gestation length to the dairy farm, rapid growth for the finisher and superior carcase attributes for the processor. The calves will be recorded at birth, throughout rearing and the carcases assessed at slaughter.
The price of entry is $2,500 per bull selected to participate.
Bull owners to organise semen collection (100 straws) at their own cost, to be delivered to either Xcell Breeding Services, Tararua Breeding Services or Animal Breeding Services.
All rights to the bull remain with the submitter.
Friday 26 July - Expressions of interest close
Week beginning 5 August - Nomination outcomes communicated and successful nominators supplied with a Bull Owners Agreement
Monday 23 September – Semen required at Breeding Centres
Step One: Click the link below to open the form
Step Two: Fill out bull nomination details
Step Three: Click Submit
Step Four: Check your inbox for a follow-up confirmation email.
Nominations must be received by Friday 26 July.
Nomination outcome will be communicated the week beginning Monday 5 August and successful nominators provided with a Bull Owners Agreement for signing.
Important information:
Bulls must come from herds implementing industry best practice recording programmes and using genetic evaluation/EBVs.
Emphasis will be placed on: Gestation Length, Birth Weight, Calving Ease, 400 Day Weight, 600 Day Weight, Eye Muscle Area and Intramuscular Fat %.
Bulls must be homozygous polled.
Selection of bulls will be made by a selection panel, comprised of Science Project Lead Nick Sneddon (Massey University), representatives from the participating dairy herds and B+LNZ Genetics.
The DBPT will not accept sires from farms under Mycoplasma bovis control. This includes infected properties, properties under restricted place notice, notice of direction and assessment.
B+LNZ Genetics will submit one semen straw from each accepted sire to an IANZ accredited laboratory (of B+LNZ Genetics choosing) where DNA will be extracted and stored long term. Once extracted, the DNA will be genotyped (by a laboratory of B+LNZ Genetics choosing) using a 100K SNP Chip product. The genotype will be owned and held by B+LNZ Genetics and can be made available to the sire contributor at their request.
The extracted DNA from each sire can be made available at the request of the sire contributor (and with permission from B+LNZ Genetics), for further DNA testing if required. (e.g. for Parent Verification and Genetic Defect if applicable).
One semen straw will be used for a post-thaw semen quality testing. If a bull fails this test, he will be excluded from the Progeny Test.